Shine & Competitors

We Make Brands


Your Digital Marketing Partner.

Our team will help your brand thrive whether your just starting up or have been in business for years. We can help build your social media presence with creative posts, partnerships with influencers, and eye catching print materials. 

Social media influencer management


Outbound management

In the swiftly evolving digital landscape, influencers wield unprecedented power in shaping trends, opinions, and consumer behaviors. Recognizing this, we specialize in comprehensive outreach strategies tailored specifically for influencers. Our services aim to connect influencers with brands that resonate with their unique style and values, facilitating collaborations that are authentic and impactful. By leveraging our extensive network and expertise, we ensure that our influencers not only secure partnerships that align with their creative vision but also enhance their visibility and engagement across various platforms.

As influencer marketing continues to gain traction, it is crucial for brands to understand the importance of building genuine and long-lasting relationships with influencers. Our approach goes beyond one-off collaborations and focuses on fostering meaningful connections between brands and influencers. This not only leads to more successful campaigns but also creates an authentic bond that resonates with audiences.


Inbound & Outbound Management

With our influencers fully onboarded, we've taken charge of managing their inbound and outbound partnerships comprehensively. This arrangement not only simplifies the collaboration process for them but also optimizes their opportunities for growth and exposure. By acting as the central point of contact, we ensure that all negotiations, communications, and logistical details are handled efficiently, allowing our influencers to focus on what they do best—creating engaging and inspiring content for their audience. This strategic approach fosters a more productive and mutually beneficial ecosystem for both our influencers and their brand partners.

In addition to managing partnerships, we also strive to foster a sense of community among our influencers. Through regular communication and networking opportunities, we encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing among them. This not only helps in expanding their reach but also creates a supportive environment for growth and innovation.


Social Media Management

Our services encompass a comprehensive suite of social media management tasks tailored for brands aiming to amplify their online presence. We specialize in content creation, crafting engaging and relevant material that resonates with your target audience. Our team of skilled photographers captures stunning visuals that enhance your brand's storytelling. Beyond creation, we meticulously schedule posts, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement across all your social networking platforms. This holistic approach to social media strategy not only elevates your brand's digital footprint but fosters meaningful connections with your audience.

Our social media management services are designed to help brands establish a strong online presence and engage with their target audience effectively. We offer a comprehensive range of tasks that cover all aspects of social media management, from content creation to scheduling and analytics. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media platforms and create a tailored strategy for your brand.

brands our influencers have worked with

Universal Studios

Jack in the Box

Dr. Pepper



Panera Bread




Six Flags


Dutch Bros

Jimmy Johns

Universal Studios Jack in the Box Dr. Pepper Heinz FOX Panera Bread Popeyes CRUMBL MTV Six Flags Subway Dutch Bros Jimmy Johns